
Employee Evaluation in Construction Industry

  Employee Evaluation in   Industry Source - ( A method for evaluating employees is frequently used to administer pay and benefits, provide performance feedback, and pinpoint each employee's advantages and disadvantages. An employee evaluation serves two general purposes in organizations (Mathis & Jackson, 2007). ·      Making administrative choices about personnel, such as pay, promotions, dismissals, downsizing, and layoffs.  Planning possibilities for employee advancement by identifying strengths or areas for development, coaching, and career development. The personnel evaluation and selection system is a critical issue that has the potential to have a negative impact on an organization's performance and competitiveness in the future (Golec & Kahya, 2007). Choosing the best performance measure is a complicated challenge that requires many different types of judgment. In fact, having a clear set of criteria is essential for any form

Attracting the Candidates & Screening Applications in Consumer Durable Industry

  Attracting the Right Pool of Candidates Recruiting suitable candidates for a specific job role has been more complex than ever before as the competition for jobs and the competition in the commercial world has become more composite in the modern world. Every job role is specific. Thus, companies adhere to a number of sourcing options that are available to attract the pool of the right candidates to themselves. In a company, there are some vacancies that may attract a larger pool of candidates whereas the vacancies with specialized job skills are in challenge due to a shortage of the right skilled persons. In such cases, organizations may be looking at developing relationships with potential future candidates (University of Otago, 2020). The key to recruiting is attracting candidates, as businesses build a pool of candidates who are both desirable to and drawn to the organization. Businesses spend a lot of time and money trying to fill open positions with applicants. Organizations a

Interviewing & Selecting

Interviewing & Selecting of Candidates              An interview is a planned discussion between two or more people during which they respond to questions and exchange ideas (Kapoor, R 2018). Generally, an interview is a process of a face to face conversation between people or parties, where questions are directed and answers are obtained.         The key purpose of conducting an interview is to gather information about qualities, attitudes, prospectus, qualifications, experience...etc. In various types of interviews, interviewers examine the behavior and communication abilities of the candidates (Kapoor, R 2018).           The term "interview" describes a conversation in which one or more people/parties play the roles of the interviewer and the interviewee, respectively, and ask questions in order to gather information. An organized or unstructured interview can be conducted. It is possible to conduct interviews over the phone or via video conferencing, either one-on

Induction and Training

Introduction to Induction and Training Induction and training are other key elements of the process of recruiting  and selecting. In order to  hire new, to feel appreciated, and form positive opinions about the company and the workplace at the early stages, an economic organization must create the essential conditions (Dragomiroiu et al, 2014). For being able to work at the job for which the respective person  was hired, and to acquire strong work habits (Dragomiroiu et al, 2014). Induction Once the suitable candidate is chosen for the organization, the next steps of the immersion process will be induction and training where the hired person is molded into the standards and values of the organization. At the very early stage of the job, an induction is given to the employee to give him an understanding about the specific job role.   The induction starts at the point when the employee is taken around the office/factory and also introduced to the facilities/amenities available (Sal

Recruitment and Turnover in Construction Industry

Recruitment and Turnover in Construction Industry The consumer Durable Industry can be identified as a field where there is a higher rate of employee turnover recorded  across the boundaries of the whol e wide world   (LinkedIn, 2018). The index given below proves t he fact in contrast to the other industries that are in the business. Sectors with Highest Employee Turnover Rates - Year 20 22 ( Awardco , 20 22 ) Source - Awardco, 2020 Homelands Skyline (Pvt) Ltd and Prime Lands (Pvt) Ltd are one of the leading companies in the field of construction and real estate in Sri Lanka. Homelands Skyline maintains a committed work plan where employee engagement is respected as much as individual dignity and human rights. The employment practices of the company are premised on attracting and retaining human talent based on merit. Additionally, the selection and hiring of workers with the capacity to lead the company in the future ensure the expansion of the enterprise. While making recruiti