Employee Evaluation in Construction Industry


Employee Evaluation in  Industry

Source - (https://www.researchgate.net/)

A method for evaluating employees is frequently used to administer pay and benefits, provide performance feedback, and pinpoint each employee's advantages and disadvantages. An employee evaluation serves two general purposes in organizations (Mathis & Jackson, 2007).

·    Making administrative choices about personnel, such as pay, promotions, dismissals, downsizing, and layoffs. Planning possibilities for employee advancement by identifying strengths or areas for development, coaching, and career development.

The personnel evaluation and selection system is a critical issue that has the potential to have a negative impact on an organization's performance and competitiveness in the future (Golec & Kahya, 2007). Choosing the best performance measure is a complicated challenge that requires many different types of judgment. In fact, having a clear set of criteria is essential for any form of evaluation. Scores on evaluations strongly depend on these factors (Wu, 2005).

Every action of contemporary business organizations includes the process of employee evaluation or employee performance review. Typically, through this procedure, the company assesses how successfully employees do their duties in light of a set of criteria and informs them of the assessment's findings (Mathis & Jackson, 2007). Since it may foster both the institutional development of the business and the personal development of employees, the significance of an effective employee evaluation system is widely acknowledged (Grigoroudis, E. & Zopounidis, 2010).

Benefits of conducting employee evaluations

Source - (https://www.educba.com/benefits-of-performance-appraisal/)

  • To acknowledge the well-performing employees
  • To communicate company goals to its employees
  • To create a plan of work where both employer and employee benefit including possible raises and promotions
  • To define the company’s expectations of the workers
  • To value the commitment of the employees
  • To have legal documents on expectations and progress of the company as evaluations give an idea to the employees on what the company expects in a legal manner.


Evaluation Criteria

These five employee competencies can be used as a basis for providing feedback on performance and to set performance improvement objectives.


Source ( Goldberg S ,2023 )

When evaluating the set of employee evaluation criteria, many performance factors may be taken into account. Since performance evaluation focuses on how much an employee contributes to the organization, these criteria may include the quantity, quality, or timeliness of production, presence at work, and cooperativeness (Mathis and Jackson, 2007). The major components of the evaluation criteria are highlighted are as below,

Source - (Grigoroudis, E & Zopounidis, C 2010)

Process of Job Evaluation

  • Gaining Acceptance
  • Creating Job evaluation committee
  • Finding the jobs to be evaluated
  • Analyzing and preparing job description
  • Selecting a method of Evaluation
  • Classifying Jobs
  • Installing Program
  • Reviewing periodically
Source - (Anuj Kumar, 2022)

Video 1.0 describes the whole process of employee evaluation and its benefits.


Source - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSqwCliHkZY)

Examining the role that each employee had in helping the company achieve its goals allows modern business organizations to analyze the effectiveness of its staff. In order to connect organizational plans and outcomes, an employee assessment is crucial (Grigoroudis, E., & Zopounidis, C. 2010). However, given the several potential methodologies that might be used, the connection to other company tasks, and the subjectivity of each assessment process, building, maintaining, and enhancing an employee evaluation system is a challenging undertaking. The researchers underline that the key is whether managers and staff recognize that the assessment process is a way to advance organizational goals rather than the method utilized in an employee evaluation approach (Grigoroudis, E. & Zopounidis, 2010).

Electronic Performance Appraisals

An employee evaluation that is generated and presented electronically is referred to as an electronic performance appraisal or e-appraisal. E appraisals can begin with an employee completing a self-appraisal. A manager will then utilize this information to determine whether the employee's perspective of his responsibilities and performance level matches that of the management.  (Milan S, 2021 ) An organization must ensure the electronic performance evaluation is created to convey the exact message the firm wishes to provide because employees are not given the opportunity to ask questions. This means that a human resources specialist with competence in developing appraisals should create the assessments. ( Milan S, 2021).

Employee Evaluation Criteria in Construction Industry

Homelands Skyline (Pvt) Ltd. carries out a traditional way of a performance appraisal method. At the beginning of the year, the set objectives were communicated to the employee by the supervisor. After the conclusion of the financial year,  the set parameters are evaluated and the employee gets a clear idea about his or her strengths and weaknesses when achieving the objectives.  In this case, the given objectives were appraised with performances. If the employee has gone through all the set objectives he or she will get a good grading. Furthermore, as discussed previously, the supervisor and subordinate have a formal conversation regarding personal career development and future expectations at the end of the appraisal session. In addition, based on all the above, the final grading will be given. In this method, the grading and evaluation process is highly subjective with the supervisor, hence, it seems that the company has to move into a computer-based system-designed method of evaluating the employees to make the process of evaluation more reliable and transparent since all the data were analyzed through a computer-based system which is more reliable.



Anuj Kumar, (2022) Job Evaluation, Getup Learn (online), Available at https://getuplearn.com/blog/job-evaluation/. Accessed on 13th April 2023.

Golec, A & Kahya, E 2007, A fuzzy model for competency-based employee evaluation and selection, Computers & industrial engineering.

Grigoroudis, E & Zopounidis, C 2010, Developing an Employee Evaluation Management System, Financial Engineering Laboratory, Technical University of Crete.

Mathis, R & Jackson, H 2007, Human Resource Management, 12th edition, South Western College Publications.

Timeless Time HR, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSqwCliHkZY, viewed on 13th April 2023.

Wu, H 2005, A DEA approach to understanding the performance of Taiwan’s steel industries, Asia Pacific Management Review.


  1. This blog article provides a good overview of employee evaluation in the context of the construction industry. The author does a good job of explaining the importance of employee evaluation, the types of evaluations commonly used, and the challenges associated with evaluating construction workers. The article also offers practical tips for implementing effective employee evaluation systems in construction companies. However, the article could benefit from more in-depth analysis and specific examples to illustrate its points. Additionally, it would be helpful for the article to discuss how employee evaluations can be used to improve overall performance and promote professional growth. Overall, this article is a useful resource for individuals looking to gain a better understanding of employee evaluation in the construction industry.

    1. Thank you for your comment and feedback on the article. I appreciate your insights and suggestions for improvement. Here are my responses to your points:
      1. More in-depth analysis and specific examples, Thank you for suggesting more specific examples to illustrate the points made in the article. I agree that including specific examples would help to clarify the concepts and make the article more engaging. In future articles, I will try to incorporate more examples to support the points I make.
      2. How employee evaluations can be used to improve overall performance and promote professional growth: Thank you for raising this important point. Employee evaluations are not only important for assessing performance but also for identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. By providing constructive feedback and setting achievable goals, employers can use evaluations to help employees develop their skills and reach their potential. I will be sure to include this perspective in future articles on employee evaluations.
      Thank you again for your thoughtful feedback. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know.

  2. This is a good article to get an understanding on ho performance evaluation can be used in the construction industry.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. I'm glad to hear that you found the article useful in understanding the use of performance evaluation in the construction industry. . If you have any specific questions or feedback on the article, feel free to let me know.

  3. Good article. What are the potential biases that may affect the evaluation process?

    1. Thank you for the positive feedback!
      Regarding your question, there are several potential biases that may affect the evaluation process. Here are some examples:
      1. Halo/horns effect: This bias occurs when a supervisor allows a single positive or negative attribute of an employee to influence their entire evaluation of that employee. For example, if an employee performs exceptionally well on one project, the supervisor may overlook their poor performance in other areas.
      2. Recency effect: This bias occurs when a supervisor focuses solely on an employee's most recent performance, rather than their overall performance. For example, if an employee has a poor performance at the end of the evaluation period, the supervisor may overlook their strong performance earlier in the period.
      3. Leniency/severity bias: This bias occurs when a supervisor consistently rates employees higher or lower than they deserve. For example, a supervisor who tends to rate employees very harshly may unfairly penalize otherwise good performers.
      4. Personal bias: This bias occurs when a supervisor's personal feelings or beliefs influence their evaluation of an employee. For example, a supervisor may rate an employee poorly because they don't personally like them, even if the employee is performing well.
      It's important to be aware of these biases and to take steps to mitigate their impact on the evaluation process. This can include using objective criteria, involving multiple evaluators, and training supervisors on how to avoid bias.

  4. It is a detailed and comprehensive blog article. The periodic evaluation is very important regardless of the industry. When it comes to the construction industry, it is much more important to evaluate the individual’s performance and give them constructive feedback on the performance. Also, should be able to identify the areas of individual and team strength and development areas and address those with PDPs. The performance evaluation is an ongoing process, and it will contribute to creating a well-motivated team to achieve the short term and long term targets of the organization.

    1. Thank you for your feedback and insights! You make an excellent point that periodic evaluation is important in all industries, but especially critical in the construction industry where safety and efficiency are paramount. Identifying individual and team strengths and development areas is also crucial for creating a motivated and effective team. Additionally, the use of PDPs (Personal Development Plans) can be a useful tool in addressing these areas and promoting growth and improvement.

  5. It is a thorough and in-depth article. Regardless of the industry, periodic evaluations are crucial. It is considerably more crucial to assess each employee's work in the construction sector and to provide them with helpful criticism. The process of performance review is continuing and will help to build a motivated team that can accomplish the organization's short- and long-term goals.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I completely agree with you that periodic evaluations are crucial in any industry, and especially so in the construction industry where employee performance can directly impact project timelines and budgets. Providing constructive feedback to employees is essential for their growth and development, and it can also help to build a positive work environment and motivate the team. The ongoing nature of the evaluation process is also important because it allows for regular check-ins and adjustments to be made to ensure that goals are being met and progress is being made.

  6. This is a helpful guide for construction industry professionals looking to improve their employee evaluation process. You did a great job of highlighting the importance of effective employee evaluation and providing practical tips for achieving success.
    One suggestion I have for you is to expand on the section about incorporating technology into the evaluation process. While the post mentions the use of digital platforms for tracking employee performance, it would be helpful to provide more specific examples of software and tools that could be used for this purpose.

    1. Thank you for your feedback and suggestion! You raise a good point about the section on technology in the employee evaluation process. While I touched on the importance of using digital platforms, I agree that providing specific examples of software and tools would be helpful for readers. In future articles, I will make sure to include more detailed information and examples to enhance the usefulness of the content.

  7. This article helps to enhance the knowledge about employee evaluation in industry Renuka . Evaluations are a mechanism to provide feedback and documentation about an employee's performance through a defined time period, and can provide clear communication of job expectations and goals.

    Staff Evaluations | Human Resource Management

    University of Kansas
    https://humanresources.ku.edu › staff-evaluations

    1. Thank you for your comment! I'm glad that you found the article helpful. Yes, employee evaluations are an important tool for providing feedback and setting clear expectations and goals for employees. They can help to promote employee development and improve overall performance.

  8. Hi Kasun, your article is insightful about employee evaluations. Many companies are moving towards electronic evaluations due to its benefits (Smith 2021). Nevertheless, organizations should ensure that these evaluations communicate the intended message effectively and provide employees with the chance to ask questions (Jones 2019).

    I agree that employee evaluations are a crucial tool for organizations to evaluate performance and give feedback. However, the criteria and methodology used should be carefully considered to ensure their effectiveness (Brown 2020).

    1. Thank you for your comment and for highlighting the importance of considering the criteria and methodology used in employee evaluations. Indeed, a well-designed evaluation process should have clear and measurable criteria that are aligned with the organization's goals and objectives. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the evaluation process is fair and unbiased, and that employees have the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. By following these best practices, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their employee evaluation process and ultimately improve performance and productivity.

  9. Hi Kasun, Well managed article to ensure that employee evaluation is comprehensive, it is crucial to establish clear criteria for the evaluation process. As mentioned in the blog, the criteria for evaluation may include quantity, quality, timeliness, presence, and cooperativeness (Dessler, 2017). Evaluating employees based on these criteria provides a holistic assessment of their performance.

    1. Thank you for your comment and for highlighting the importance of establishing clear criteria for the evaluation process. Indeed, having well-defined and specific criteria can help to ensure that the evaluation process is fair and accurate, and that employees are being evaluated on the most relevant aspects of their job performance. As you mentioned, the criteria may vary depending on the organization and the nature of the job, but commonly used criteria such as quantity, quality, timeliness, presence, and cooperativeness can provide a well-rounded assessment of an employee's performance.

  10. Hi Kasun. This is a good article about employee evaluation which was followed by every organization to recognized the best performer. Because most businesses used to conduct employee assessments once a year, they are commonly referred to as annual reviews. Employees and managers, however, find it challenging to recall every detail of a full year, and studies suggest that annual assessments have minimal effect on raising performance.

    A substitute for annual reviews has gained favor recently. Researchers have found that giving employees feedback more frequently results in better outcomes, which is why an increasing number of businesses are doing so. Employee assessments may be carried out every three months, every month, or even every week, depending on the requirements and conditions. Some businesses go a step further and swap out employee assessments for regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings.

    1. Thank you for your comment and insight on the article about employee evaluations. Indeed, it's important to recognize that the traditional annual review process may not be effective in improving employee performance and that frequent feedback is crucial for employee growth and development. Regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings can be a great alternative to traditional performance evaluations and can help establish an ongoing dialogue between managers and employees.

  11. 3 / 3

    The blog post does an excellent job of highlighting the importance of employee evaluations in the construction industry. As the post mentions, evaluations have a dual purpose in organizations - making administrative choices about personnel and planning opportunities for employee advancement (Mathis & Jackson, 2007). It is essential to have clear evaluation criteria to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of employee evaluations (Wu, 2005). Moreover, the post highlights the benefits of conducting employee evaluations, such as acknowledging well-performing employees and creating a plan of work where both the employer and employee benefit (Goldberg, 2023). In construction, evaluations can help identify areas of improvement for safety and quality, which can positively impact a project's success (Briscoe, Schuler & Tarique, 2012). Overall, the post makes a compelling case for the necessity of employee evaluations in the construction industry, and the cited sources provide additional support for this argument.

    1. That's a great analysis! You have identified the key points in the blog post and highlighted how the sources cited in the post provide additional support for the argument. It's important to have clear evaluation criteria to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of employee evaluations, and the benefits of conducting employee evaluations can extend beyond acknowledging well-performing employees and creating a plan of work where both the employer and employee benefit, as it can positively impact a project's success. Well done!

  12. The article highlights the importance of employee evaluations in organizations, and how they are used to administer pay and benefits, provide feedback, and identify strengths and areas for development. The benefits of employee evaluations include acknowledging well-performing employees, communicating company goals, creating work plans, defining company expectations, valuing employee commitment, and having legal documents on expectations and progress. The criteria used to evaluate employees may include quantity, quality, timeliness of production, presence at work, and cooperativeness. Really appreciate this, because I gathered more information's from this.

    1. I'm glad to hear that you found the article informative and helpful in gaining more knowledge about employee evaluations. It is indeed essential to have a well-defined evaluation process to ensure that employees are fairly assessed and that the organization can make informed decisions regarding their workforce. By using clear criteria and providing regular feedback, employees can be motivated to perform at their best, and the organization can achieve its goals.


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