Recruitment is a process of seeking applicants for positions within a business - on either a general basis or targeted to address particular vacancies. Recruitment includes the following steps.

Selection takes the next step, here the employer is making the best choice between two or more interested applicants. Yet, candidates also decide on their prospective employer and how far they want to take their initial employment inquiry (Torrington, 2014). A legally binding contract outlining the rights, obligations, and expectations of both the employer and the employee is produced after the successful completion of both processes (Armstrong, 2006).

However, applicants also select their future employer, making decisions as to how further they wish to pursue their original employment enquiry (Torrington, 2014). The successful conclusion of both processes is the creation of a legally binding agreement between the employer and employee, setting out the rights, obligations and expectations of both parties (Armstrong, 2006).

The scope that a company needs to be competitive for the other companies who provide the same service or goods. (Taylor ,2002). As Divanna and Rogers stated in 2005 the most important thing in a business are the people involved in it. Therefore, it's the utmost duty of the managers to select the right person for the right job role at the right time.


The subsequent methodologies that are adapted should comply with the legal regulations of the state and must full fill the corporate goals while being efficient and within the company's framework and budget and also carry out the value and casualties of the brand. (Foot & Hook 2008). It is important to record and comprehend every action taken to find potential personnel. This entails making sure we are aware of the steps necessary to solicit applications from qualified applicants (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).

The true requirement of the organization should be analyzed before the process of recruitment. The relevant job role is necessary to be broken down into its essential elements, such as the nature of the tasks, task responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to carry them out successfully, and the function's placement within the organization (such as level/grade and reporting duties) (Currie, 2006).

When examining how corporate actions like organizational changes are possible to be affected by the company's demands. If so, the requirement can be placed in the larger organizational framework. Subsequent selection judgments will be informed by developing a thorough grasp of what is driving the necessity for recruitment action (Taylor, 2014).


One of the most crucial HR duties is selection because it's important to fill the positions that are open in the organization with candidates who are not only qualified for those roles but also adaptable, ready, and able to handle change (Leather barrow & Fletcher, 2015). The human resources (HR) department must also take into account more general corporate requirements of the particular organization (such as succession planning and requirements for future capabilities), in addition to ensuring that the selection procedures utilized are fair and comply with the law (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).



Armstrong, M 2006, A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 10th Edition, Kogan Page Ltd.

Armstrong, M & Taylor, S 2014, Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 13th Edition, Kogan Page Ltd. 

Currie, D. 2006, Introduction to Human Resource Management, A guide to personnel in practice, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Divanna, J & Roggers, J 2005, People – The New Asset on the Balance Sheet, Palgrave Macmillan.

Leatherbarrow, C & Fletcher, J 2015, Introduction to Human Resource Management, A Guide to HR in Practice, 3rd Edition, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Taylor, S 2002, The Employee Retention Handbook, TMH Publications. 

Taylor, S 2014, Resourcing and Talent Management, 6th Edition, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Torrington, D, Hall, L, Taylor, S & Atkinson, C 2014, Human Resource Management, 9th Edition, Harlow Pearson Education Ltd.




  1. Recruitment and selecting process has made of steps to achieve its goal to get best fit new employee. Instantly Calling for application, screening the resume, Skils assessment, background and reference check. It seems you may missed to talk about digitalised, AI powered recruitment and selecting process. Which make the task easier to humana resource managers and accurate in the sence of right data input. Less time consuming and easy dividences and short lists. What's your view on this topic ?

    1. Thank you for your comment Azeem. You make a valid point about the importance of digitalized and AI-powered recruitment and selection processes in today's technological age. These tools can certainly aid human resource managers in streamlining the process of recruitment and selection, reducing the time it takes to sort through applications, and shortlisting candidates based on their qualifications and fit for the role.

      However, it's important to note that these tools should be used to complement, rather than replace, the human aspect of recruitment and selection. While AI can be efficient in assessing candidates' skills and qualifications, it cannot assess their soft skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities. Therefore, it's crucial that human resource managers also take the time to conduct face-to-face interviews and assess candidates' fit for the organization's culture.

      Overall, I believe that the integration of digitalized and AI-powered recruitment and selection tools can certainly benefit the recruitment and selection process, but it's important to find a balance between technology and the human element.

  2. In your opinion, how does HR tech change the selection and recruitment processes of organisations? Do you think it helps or confuses the process? Keen to know your thoughts on this.

    1. Thank you for your question Thanuki. In my opinion, HR tech has the potential to greatly improve the recruitment and selection processes of organizations, provided it's used in the right way. HR tech can help automate administrative tasks such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and conducting background checks, freeing up human resource managers to focus on more strategic tasks such as building relationships with candidates and assessing their fit for the organization.

      Furthermore, HR tech can also help increase the accuracy and consistency of the recruitment and selection process, reducing the potential for human bias and error. For example, AI-powered tools can help identify candidates with the right skills and experience for the job based on objective criteria, rather than relying solely on the judgment of human resource managers.
      However, it's important to note that HR tech should not replace the human element of recruitment and selection entirely. While technology can certainly aid in the process, human resource managers still need to make the final decision on which candidates to hire based on their fit for the organization's culture and values. Additionally, the use of HR tech should be transparent and ethical, with clear policies in place to ensure the fair treatment of all candidates.

      Overall, I believe that HR tech can greatly benefit the recruitment and selection process, but it's important to use it in the right way and find a balance between technology and the human element.

  3. Thank you for sharing this informative post on the recruitment and selection process.
    I think it is very important to learn about the different steps of the recruitment process.
    I suggest you elaborate more on the "Attract the interested personnel" step since creating a good job description and job advertisement will make this step more effective. Also, it will help to attract qualified candidates for the position.
    Thank you for sharing your expertise on this critical topic. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future!

    1. Thank you Prasadi for taking the time to read my post and for your valuable feedback. I appreciate your suggestion about elaborating more on the "Attract the interested personnel" step, which involves creating an effective job description and job advertisement to attract qualified candidates for the position. Indeed, a well-written and comprehensive job description can help potential candidates better understand the job's responsibilities and requirements, which will make them more interested in the position and more likely to apply. A compelling job advertisement that accurately reflects the company culture, values, and brand can also help to attract a diverse pool of candidates.

      Thank you again for your input, and please let me know if you have any further questions or comments.

  4. This article provides some good insights into recruitment and selection.

    1. Thank you, Malindra, for taking the time to read my article and for your feedback. I'm glad to hear that you found the insights provided in the article helpful. If you have any further questions or comments, please don't hesitate to let me know.

  5. Good article. What are the strategies that could be used by employers to attract and select qualified candidate?

    1. Thank you for your question Tharinda. There are several strategies that employers can use to attract and select qualified candidates including,

      1. Employer branding: Companies should focus on building a strong employer brand to attract top talent. This involves highlighting the company's culture, values, and employee benefits in job postings and other marketing materials.

      2. Employee referrals: Many companies rely on employee referrals to find qualified candidates. This can be an effective way to find top talent since employees are more likely to refer people they know and trust.

      3. Social media: Social media can be a powerful tool for attracting qualified candidates. Companies can use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to post job openings and engage with potential candidates.

      4. Job postings: Companies should make sure their job postings are clear and concise, highlighting the most important qualifications and requirements for the position.

      5. Skills assessments: Some companies use skills assessments to evaluate candidates' abilities and determine whether they are a good fit for the position.

      6. Interview process: Companies should design a structured interview process that includes behavioral-based questions to assess candidates' skills, experience, and fit with the company culture.

      These are just a few strategies that companies can use to attract and select qualified candidates. It's important to remember that every company is different, and the best approach will depend on the company's industry, culture, and other factors.

  6. Good over view Renuka , It is a process that involves everything from identifying, attracting, screening, shortlisting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and onboarding employees. The recruitment teams can be large or small depending on the size of an organization.

    Recruitment Process - The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Top Talent | Jobsoid › recruitment-process

    1. Thank you for your comment Nilushika. I'm glad you found the article informative. And yes, the recruitment process can be quite extensive and involve multiple steps to ensure the organization hires the best-fit candidate for the job. The recruitment team size may vary depending on the organization's size and recruitment needs.

  7. Recruitment and selection is the most important topic in human resource management now a days. While HR workers in many areas including employee engagement, employee development, data management and etc... why do we need an appropriate recruitment and selection process? And we need to keep in mind to enable smooth hiring experience. Called integrated job posting with good job description, simply application process and maintain data on the recruitment process. What you think about the recruitment and selection process and maintain data related to different parts of process?

    1. Thank you for your question Wishmila. Recruitment and selection process is a crucial aspect of human resource management as it involves hiring the right candidate for the right job. An appropriate recruitment and selection process ensures that the organization attracts and selects the best-fit candidates who possess the required skills, knowledge, and experience for the job. It is also important to ensure a smooth hiring experience for the candidates to maintain a positive employer brand.

      Maintaining data related to different parts of the recruitment and selection process is essential for analyzing the effectiveness of the process, identifying areas for improvement, and making data-driven decisions. This data can help in identifying patterns in the selection process, such as the source of the most qualified candidates, the stages of the recruitment process where most candidates are eliminated, and the time taken to fill a vacancy. This information can help in identifying areas for improvement in the recruitment and selection process and developing strategies to improve the process. Therefore, maintaining data on the recruitment and selection process is critical to ensuring a successful and effective process.

  8. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the recruitment and selection process in organizations. It highlights the importance of complying with legal regulations while fulfilling corporate goals and staying within the company's framework and budget. The article emphasizes the need to analyze the true requirements of the organization and break down the relevant job role into its essential elements to find potential personnel. Great article!

    1. Thank you for your comment Hansika. I'm glad you found the article helpful and informative. Yes, complying with legal regulations is very important in recruitment and selection, as it ensures fairness and equality in the hiring process. Also, analyzing the organization's true requirements is a crucial step in finding the right personnel who can contribute to the company's growth and success.

  9. This academic blog provides a comprehensive understanding of the recruitment and selection process, highlighting the importance of selecting the right person for the right job role at the right time (Divanna & Rogers, 2005). The article emphasizes the significance of complying with legal regulations and fulfilling corporate goals, while being efficient and within the company's framework and budget, and upholding the values and casualties of the brand (Foot & Hook, 2008). The authors also suggest analyzing the true requirement of the organization before the recruitment process, breaking down the relevant job role into its essential elements such as the nature of the tasks, task responsibilities, knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to carry them out successfully (Currie, 2006).

    The selection process is considered a crucial HR duty, which aims to fill open positions with qualified and adaptable candidates who can handle change (Leather barrow & Fletcher, 2015). The article suggests that selection procedures should be fair and comply with the law, taking into account more general corporate requirements of the organization, such as succession planning and future capabilities (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).

    Overall, the blog article provides valuable insights into the recruitment and selection process, highlighting the importance of compliance with legal regulations and fulfilling corporate goals while being efficient and within the company's framework and budget. It emphasizes the need to analyze the true requirements of the organization and utilize fair selection procedures that comply with the law while taking into account more general corporate requirements.

    1. Thank you for your comment Hassaan! It's great to hear that you found the article informative and comprehensive. I agree with your points about the importance of complying with legal regulations and fulfilling corporate goals, while being efficient and within the company's framework and budget. The selection process is indeed a crucial HR duty, and it's essential to ensure that it's fair and compliant with the law. Analyzing the true requirements of the organization and utilizing fair selection procedures is also key to finding the right fit for the job role. Thank you for your valuable insights!

  10. Very important article Kasun elaborating bit more A well devised recruitment and selection process is very essential for the organisation because if an employee selected once, he/she will remain in the company for number of years.

    Therefore, faulty recruitment and selection process will lead to low productivity and high labor turnover.

    Recruitment and selection in HRM is a process by which the organisation develops a set of qualified and desired job seekers for the future human resources needed in the organisation even though specific vacancies do not exists in the organisation. It is the procedure which connects the employers with the job applicants.

    Steps in Recruitment
    Publicizing information about job vacancies in the organisation.
    Identifying the sources of supply of adequate number and right type of personnel required.
    Contact and communicate with the source of recruitment which is chosen. e.g. advertisement for vacancies in a newspaper so as to stimulate the prospective candidates to offer themselves for employment.
    Assessing alternative sources of manpower and choosing the best source.
    Recruitment Process
    Recruitment process can be defined as the process of searching and choosing the potential human resources for filling the desired vacant posts in a company.

    Recruitment process is the first step ob building a strong and energetic personnel base. Because the success of any organisation depends upon its talented and effective human resources.

    Recruitment process can be organized as follows;

    Identifying the vacancy. Recruitment process starts when the human resource department receive the requisition for the people needed for the vacant jobs from any department of the organisation.
    Number of posts to be filled.
    Number of persons required.
    Qualification required for respective vacancies.
    Preparing the job description and person specification.
    Developing the sources required to fulfill the desired candidates for the job. (Advertising etc.)
    Shortlisting the desired employee with desired characteristics.
    Arranging the interview with the selected candidates.
    Conducting the interview and decision making.

    (Anwar, 2020)

    1. Thank you for your comment Ridma. You have provided a helpful summary of the recruitment process, including the steps involved and the importance of having a well-designed process in place to attract and select qualified candidates. You have also highlighted the consequences of a faulty recruitment process, such as low productivity and high labor turnover. Overall, your comment adds to the discussion on the importance of effective recruitment and selection in human resource management.

  11. A company's recruitment and selection procedures take a lot of time and money. It is necessary to publicise the position, which might be a costly process. Then, personnel will have to devote valuable time to interviewing and assessing candidates to see whether they are qualified and suitable for the position. To help it discover the best people for the job, a recruiting agency might be useful. An effective and affordable hiring and selection procedure is already in place at a recruiting agency. Can you agree with that statement?

    1. Thank you for your question Kumara. Yes of course it save cost and time. But there are both pros and cons in recruiting through hiring agencies such as,

      Pros: Faster hiring, Higher quality candidates, Specialist knowledge
      Cons : Higher cost, No cultural fit, Lack of employer branding

      And also there are many Pros and cons also. It depends on the situation about the recruiting.


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