Phases of Recruitment and Process of Selection

Phases of Recruitment and Process of Selection

The diagram given below depicts the stages of recruitment and selection process. Eight key elements are identified in relation to the process of recruitment and selection of candidates to a desired job. 

Recruitment and Selection Process

Source - Human Resource Management Practice – 2020

Job Vacancy

A job vacancy is a paid position that is newly created, presently unoccupied, or a probability is there to become vacant.

(a) which the employer is actively seeking and willing to take additional steps to find a qualified applicant from outside the enterprise in concern,

(b) that the employer intends to fill either immediately or within a specific amount of time, is referred to as a job vacancy (Eurostat, 2007).

Job Analysis

A comprehend job analysis which includes a process of collecting and systematically analyzing the human requirement and the composition of the job and also the specified job role expected to commence the placement of an individual for the target job is the target of analysis of the job before recruitment. (Schneider & Konz ,1989)

Attracting Candidates

Candidate attraction depicts the tools and techniques that an employer taken into consideration to attract the applicants who have the potential to fill the job vacancy. (Heneman & Berkley,1999).

Screening Applications

An applicant's qualifications and possibility of fitting into a post to which they have applied are assessed during the screening process. Several components, such as questions on screening the job are included in the employment application, may be encountered as a part of the screening process. (Mehta et al, 2013).

Interviewing Candidates

A job interview is a process of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer. 
An interview is conducted to assess the potential of the applicant and to seek whether the applicant should be hired. On the other hand, an interview also allows the candidate to assess the corporate culture of the company and demands of the job (Arvey & Campion, 1982). 

Selecting and Appointing Candidates

The methods adapted by different organizations in selecting and recruiting candidates are different in context. This procedure generally includes the following steps,

      Selection of the candidate

      Verbal communication on the appointment

      Duly completed medical reports (if needed)

      Selecting and appointing candidates depend upon the urgency of getting the vacancy filled.

      Sending of appointment letters and signing the contract.

After the interviews, individuals may be chosen and appointed if a position has to be filled promptly. While in certain businesses, candidates are appointed immediately upon their selection and completion of other formalities, including issuance of appointment letters and contract signing (Kapoor, 2018).

Induction & Training


When an employee is recruited into a company it is highly essential to provide him/her with an appropriate induction and training in order to identify the new working environment, culture and also to create a good image on the new workplace at the very beginning of the journey of work. It also helps the new employees to feel their importance in the work place, since it is essential to develop good habits related to work and to be able to work at the job for which he was hired. It's crucial to learn the organizational behavior at the early stages of work. The lessons learnt during this time have a long-lasting impact on the new employee's conduct, attitudes toward work, and chances of advancement of job role and career within the organization. Many businesses organize the induction of new staff with a market orientation (Dragomiroiua et al, 2014).

Performance Evaluation

Performance review is also termed as the managers' analysis and evaluation on each of the employee's accomplishments and success within the company itself during a specific period of time of concern (annually/quarterly) In other words, it can be identified as a means of evaluating the overall the productivity and efficiency of the worker within the target period of time. The success of the employees in the company is based on their personal traits and talents, their desire to complete the work, their capacity to activate this drive, and the work environment offered (Vural et al, 2012).



Arvey, R & Campion, J 1982, Personnel Psychology, Wiley Online Library.

Dragomiroiua, R, Hurloiua, I & Mihai, G 2014, 21st International Economic Conference.

Eurostat, (no date) Job vacancies concepts and definitions (online), Available at Accessed on 01st April 2023.

Heneman, H and Berkley, R 1999, Journal of small business, Blackwell publishing limited.

Kapoor, R 2018, Journal Article on Recruitment and Selection, University of Delhi.

Mehta, R, Pimplikar, R, Singh, A, Varshney, L & Wishweswariah, K 2013, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on extending database.

Schneider, B & Konz, M 1989, Human Resource Management, Wiley Online Library.

Vural, Y, Varderlier, P & Aykir, A 2012, 08th International strategic Management Conference.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Article thoroughly talks about the places of recruitment and selection process. Companies will benefit if they follow these steps when recruiting new employees. But only reputed companies follow these steps. Companies coming under small and medium enterprises do not conduct these steps. They just interview the candidate and select based on it. What's your argument on this ? and how can we make them understand the value of following these steps ?

    1. Thank you for your question Azeem. It's true that smaller companies or startups may not have a formal recruitment and selection process in place, which can lead to potential risks and issues in the long run.

      However, it's important to note that implementing a structured recruitment and selection process can benefit companies of any size. It can help to ensure that the right candidate is selected for the job, reducing the chances of turnover, poor job performance, or other negative consequences. To make smaller companies understand the value of following these steps, it may be helpful to educate them on the potential risks of not having a structured process in place, and the benefits of implementing one. This can include reduced recruitment costs, improved candidate quality, and better alignment between the company's needs and the candidate's qualifications.

      In addition, offering training or resources on how to create and implement a recruitment and selection process can help smaller companies get started. They may also consider partnering with recruitment agencies or HR consulting firms to help them with the process.

  3. This blog post was fantastic! It gives a concise and educational overview of the hiring and selection process, covering everything from job postings to performance reviews. In my perspective, the section on induction and training that highlights the importance of supporting new employees in acclimating to their new workplace and company culture was particularly helpful. Excellent reading!

    1. Thank you for your positive feedback Niluka. We are glad to know that you found the post helpful and informative. Indeed, induction and training are critical components of the recruitment and selection process, as they help new employees to understand the company's culture and values, as well as their roles and responsibilities within the organization. By providing adequate support and training, companies can help their new employees to perform better and achieve success in their respective job roles.

  4. Thank you for sharing this informative post on the phases of recruitment and the recruitment process. Your article provides a comprehensive overview of the different phases of recruitment, from job analysis to performance evaluation.
    The emphasis on the importance of job analysis in the recruitment process is particularly impressive. Job analysis plays a crucial role in identifying the necessary qualifications and skills required for the position and can help HR departments to attract the right candidates for the job at the right time.
    Thank you for sharing your expertise on this important topic!

    1. Thank you for your kind words and insightful comments Prasadi. Job analysis is indeed an essential step in the recruitment process, as it helps to identify the specific requirements of a job role and ensures that the right candidate is selected for the job. Without proper job analysis, the recruitment process may be haphazard and may not result in the selection of the best candidate. Therefore, it is crucial for HR departments to conduct thorough job analysis to ensure the success of the recruitment process.

  5. This is a useful and informative summary of the phases of recruitment and the process of selection, and it would be beneficial for those seeking to gain a better understanding of these concepts.

    1. Thank you Hansika for your comment! I'm glad to hear that you found the article useful and informative. Please let me know if you have any specific questions or areas you would like me to expand upon.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is a good article to obtain knowledge on the the phases of the recruitment process. This article can be beneficial to both HR Professionals and candidates.

    1. Thank you for your comment Malindra. I'm glad you found the article informative and useful for both HR professionals and candidates. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to ask.

  8. In the recruitment process, the job description and the job specification is very important in order to select the best fit to the respective job role. Induction and the orientation is important to introduce and fix the new talent to the organizational culture and make the new employee comfortable in the role.

    1. Thank you for your comment Chamara. You are absolutely correct that the job description and job specification play a crucial role in identifying the right fit for the job role. This helps to ensure that the selected candidate has the necessary skills and qualifications for the job. And as you mentioned, the induction and orientation process is also important for a new employee to acclimate to the company culture and work environment, which can ultimately lead to better job satisfaction and employee retention.

  9. Recruitment is a core functor the human resources management. It is a process that involves everything from identifying, attracting, interviewing and selecting and hiring employees. In this article, you mentioned all areas of requirement process. But we know people have small businesses and someone handling small companies. Organization's and large companies can apply job requirement process strongly. What you think about small businesses and small companies with few workers? Are their using these methods in right way? If not what are solutions for them?

    1. Thank you Wishmila for your questions. Small businesses and companies with few workers may not always have the resources to carry out the entire recruitment process as thoroughly as larger organizations. However, it is still important for them to take steps to attract and select the right candidates for their business. One solution for small businesses could be to outsource the recruitment process to a professional staffing agency or to consult with HR professionals to help them in the process. Additionally, small businesses can focus on building a strong employer brand to attract top talent and prioritize creating a positive candidate experience. They can also leverage their networks to find referrals from trusted sources, such as business partners, industry peers, and existing employees. Overall, small businesses can adapt and simplify the recruitment process to their unique needs and resources, while still ensuring they find the right fit for their team.

  10. First of all, I must mention that the topic you have chosen is very important for HR managers. The recruitment and selection process involves eight key elements: job vacancy, job analysis, attracting candidates, screening applications, interviewing candidates, and selecting and appointing candidates. Induction and training are essential to identifying the new working environment and culture and creating a good image, while performance review is the manager's analysis and evaluation of each employee's accomplishments and success. An organization with a very successful recruitment and selection process provides a very efficient service.

    1. Thank you for your comment Sineth. I completely agree with you that the recruitment and selection process is crucial for HR managers. Each step in the process is important to ensure that the right candidate is hired for the job. Induction and training are also essential to help new employees adjust to the new working environment and to make sure they understand the culture and expectations of the organization. Lastly, performance review is necessary to evaluate the employee's achievements and areas for improvement. It is true that a successful recruitment and selection process leads to a more efficient organization.

  11. Hi Kasun, Recruitment and selection of employees are very important factors, as they directly affect employee retention. Recruiting and selecting the right candidate will ensure a longer relationship between employer and employee and thus reduce employee turnover.

    1. That's absolutely correct Chamara. Effective recruitment and selection processes help in attracting the right talent and retaining them for a longer period of time. By selecting the right candidate, an organization can ensure that the employee is a good fit for the role, has the necessary skills and qualifications, and is likely to stay with the company for a longer period of time. This can ultimately lead to increased employee retention rates and better performance from the workforce.

  12. The recruitment and selection processes have been mentioned very clearly in your article. According to Dessler, G., and Varkkey, B. (2018), the aim of employee selection is to achieve job fit. This means matching the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other competencies (KSACs) that are required for performing the job (based on job analysis) with the applicant's KSACs. Anyhow, there are three basic factors that must be taken into consideration while choosing an employee. In the first place, your organisation will benefit from having staff with the necessary talents. Employees that are abrasive or obstructionist, or who lack these qualities, will not perform well, which will negatively impact both your and the company's success.

  13. Hi Kasun, Excellent write-up on the Phases of Recruitment and the Process of Selection. To attract and retain top talent in the organization each step or stage of the process is important. And your post clearly describes each step which I found helpful for any interested reader. Thank you for sharing.


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